Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Some Reminders for Real Estate Brokers/Agents

"Be sincere in helping your clients."

I am always reminded of the Golden Rule - "Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you." In practicing my profession as real estate broker, I always put myself in the shoes of my clients. I always ask myself these questions - "If I am the one buying/selling a property, what would I like my broker/agent to do for me?", "What are the important information that I need to know?"

Be honest and tell your clients all the information that they need to know about the property that they are buying/selling. If you conceal an important information, sooner or later they would find out and and the result - you have everything to lose especially future referrals.

Give out important information that they need to know to guide them make a wise decision whether to buy the property or not. Do not think of the commission that you would make out of the sale. Think FIRST of their satisfaction. If they are satisfied with the first sale, they will keep coming back and bring more referrals.

Equally important, conduct thorough investigation and verification of the properties that you are selling and the background of the sellers as well.

Be honest and be transparent. Be committed and see to it that all documents are processed on time. Professionalism matters a lot.

God bless and be passionate to be of help to others.

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