Friday, July 23, 2010

Part II - I am a Victim of Cyberstalking!

It's been five months now since I posted my last blog about my being a victim of cyberstalking. I would like to thank my concerned clients who had called overseas expressing their concern and advised me to do something about it. Well, I did. Three months ago, I already filed an Affidavit Complaint before the Cybercrime Division of NBI (National Bureau of Investigation) in Manila to seek their help in tracing the cyberstalker. I had attached all the evidences which are the printed copies of the negative ads/blogs the stalker posted in the internet, as well as. documents showing my legal identity as Licensed Real Estate Broker and corresponding DTI/BIR registration and certificates that my office is duly registered.

Good news is, the IP addresses that stalker had been using were already traced by NBI including his/her location. It's just a matter of time now that his/her identity will be identified. According to NBI they will immediately issue a warrant of arrest once he/she will be identified. I am closely monitoring NBI about the updates of this case.

Well-meaning friends had advised me to just ignore it and continue to focus on what I had been doing, which is to continue serving my clients with honesty and integrity. Truly, people will come to know us by our deeds and not by mere hearsays nor words alone. For this stalker who had been continuously posting negative ads and blogs about me saying that I am a scammer, a fraud, with an estafa case in Baguio, etc., in time he/she will surely reap a thousandfold this evil works he/she had been sowing. There shall be an end to everything. At the very end, those who are doing evil shall have their corresponding punishment either in this life or in the afterlife.

For your information, this stalker is using other people's identities in posting his/her blogs. He/she uses names like Crisanto Licudan, Wilson Tan, Rommie De Vera, Marlon Panitan and even PNP Bauang making the public believe that I am a scammer in Bauang, La Union and a fraud. He also uses my name and the name of my office in posting negative blogs about other real estate brokers. He/she usually makes use of Wordpress and Sulit in posting his/her negative blogs. In his blog, "Scammers in La Union" he/she used my name and the name of my office. For those brokers/agents who have read it, please be informed that I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IN POSTING SUCH BLOG. If you happen to encounter such, report it immediately to the website administrator and they will immediately cancel it. Wordpress had been very cooperative. Also, this stalker sent me several e-mails and I had printed them all out and submitted them to NBI as evidences. In his/her last e-mail he/she told me to remove all my ads and accounts in the internet and only then will he/she stopped. He/she is bent in destroying my business and my reputation.

I may have done what I must to stop this, but I believe that there is a more powerful weapon to counter it - and that is PRAYER. Prayer moves the Hand of God. Whether one believes or not, there is a GOD who judges everyone's heart and deeds. God said in His word, "Leave room for God's wrath. It is mine to avenge."

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